
Biden’s score-settling with Serbian World

Džo Bajden

The most significant effects of US President Joe Biden’s visit to Europe are the announced punishment of all kinds of distortions of the truth and the spread of various false claims about the collapse of NATO and the US, and that Russia will take their place. The ban on redrawing borders, but also the strict sanctioning of any ethno-nationalism and fascism is especially important for the region. Analysts comment for Pobjeda that the most important thing is to punish the slowing down and contesting of the peace-building process, and that is, in our case, the incitement of nationalist tensions and the disintegration of existing entities and states.

“This visit of Biden is an opportunity for a formal public announcement that an agreement has been reached on strengthening the partnership between NATO, the EU and America, which is a novelty not only in matters of security and defense, but also in matters of defense of values, i.e. democracy. This means that they will cooperate in the political, economic and any plan to combat racism, neo-fascism and ethno-nationalism that have affected America and Europe, and in this case, it is most important for the Balkans, but also Montenegro and Serbia”, says Dusan Janjic, President of the Ethnic Relations Forum. He discussed the question of what the return of the USA to the Balkans means for Montenegro, nationalism and the Serbian World.

Speaking about how the plan called Donald Trump failed and only separated America from European allies, journalist Jaksa Scekic says for Pobjeda: Biden’s visit to Europe and talks in NATO and G7 are proof that America is reconnecting with its traditional allies.

He also states that the Biden-Putin meeting has shown that America is talking to Russia on behalf of Europe.

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