
Djukanovic: Russia tries to regain Cold War geopolitical rules through history revisionꓼ we must punish aggressors

“We are witnessing an obvious value evasion of societies in the Western Balkans and the shaken faith in the reality of the foreseeable European perspective. On the one hand, it is a consequence of absences of more proactive EU enlargement policy, and of the aggressive use of that space, on the other hand”, said the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, answering media questions after today’s meeting in Poland.

“I think it is something that obliges us all together to try to prevent future removal of the Western Balkans from the Euro-Atlantic highway. We have no dilemma – Russia is in effort to regain the rules of the Cold War geopolitics through the revision of history. It wants to take for itself the right to decide on behalf of other countries about their future. It tried to do this in the name of Montenegro, the most drastic attempt was in 2016, and those efforts are still lastingꓼ and its attempt to disable Ukraine to choose its way into the future is what we have been witnessing since 24 February”, Djukanovic said.

He added that Europe was on the historical exam.

“This generation of statesmen in Europe, liked it or not, is at the historical exam. The aggressor has to be stopped and then punished – politically and legally. That penalty must follow everyone who performs aggression and kills people. If we don’t do that, we will open the door to future aggressors. There is no other option”, Djukanovic pointed out.

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