
Markovic: We have our way, and DPS has its own with its new leadership

Foto: Miraš Dušević/CdM
Foto: Miraš Dušević/CdM

“I did not part ways with DPS, but with strong feelings I left the party to which I belonged for 40 years. We have our way, and DPS has its own with its new leadership”, said the president of the new Party of the European Path (SEP), Dusko Markovic.

“I remember the days when we ensured peace and stability in Montenegro, when there was war and death in our environment. At that time, we provided security and accommodation for everyone who found refuge in our country. We turned Montenegro towards the restoration of independence and made that dream come true in 2006. I actively participated in that process. Later, we turned Montenegro towards the EU”, Markovic stressed in response to questions from journalists after the SEP presentation.

He said that as a DPS member, official and holder of the most responsible state positions, he participated in that process.

“We became a member of NATO. This decision of mine is not a response to what DPS is today, but to our vision of Montenegro in the future. This is a new political story. We want to give Montenegro the opportunity to recover in every sense. We want a concrete and responsible policy”, he emphasized.

Markovic added that if the citizens trusted them, they would be a parliamentary party.

Speaking about his relations with the former president of Montenegro and DPS leader, Milo Djukanovic, he said that he had worked with him for 40 years and that they were very close and shared close political and personal relations.

“I hold on to those relationships even when it may not be very expedient. We haven’t seen each other for a while, there were no reasons for that, but we see differently how Montenegro should go in the future”, he pointed out.

Markovic said that 2019 was a year of great national successes.

He added that these four years he was on the sidelines and watched what was happening.

When asked by journalists what bad DPS had done until August 2020, and what happened after that year, Markovic said that DPS had historical achievements but also made some mistakes and omissions.

“I think that in one period those mistakes were more frequent and repeated, and that is why DPS went into opposition. Belonging to DPS was a great experience that one should turn to their environment and see how that environment lives. Seeing both good and bad things within DPS will help me stop the bad practices that accompanied me while I was part of DPS, while being proud of the great achievements during the period when I was in DPS”, said Markovic.

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